Entry Rules & Regulations


  • Only current corporate member malls of PPK Malaysia are eligible to register entries for the Awards.
  • Each project entry for submission must include any minimum two (2) of the following areas of ESG:
    • Environment: eco-systems eg urban farming / water management /  waste management / renewable energy / energy efficiency / EV parking etc
    • Social: examples of projects impacting the community eg healthcare, education, alleviating poverty, childcare, social inclusion and equity, improving livelihoods etc.
    • Governance: the respective roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors/Building Owners/Building Operators in driving sustainability within the mall’s organization
  • Projects for submission must be on-going and may be done in collaboration with third parties but the mall must contribute to and have a majority stake in the projects and/or continue to provide the supporting framework  ie the space cannot be rented out to tenants who are left to carry on their business etc.
  • Malls can submit several entries but each entry must be completed on a separate form.
  • Judging will be based on your projects/events implemented between 1 August 2023 to 15 July 2024 otherwise your entry will be disqualified.
  • All entries must be submitted at the said link for judging by the closing date of 12 midnight on 22 July 2024.


  • You are required to provide an executive summary of the entry description, subject to a maximum of 100 words which will be used as commentary for all finalists during the Awards Ceremony.
  • Use bullet points for each area for ease of reading.
  • All submission materials to support the entry must be of high quality and remain the property of the organisers.
  • Images and videos to support your entry are preferred to be high resolution with image file formats : PNg and JPEG ( light or no compression ) with minimum size of 150 DPI.
  • For each of the judging criteria as follows, participants are permitted to submit up to a maximum of 5 nos. photos of maximum 5MB each. (Please avoid submitting photos in a collage format).
  • Submit 1 video of minimum 1 minute duration and up to a maximum of 2 videos but these should be provided via a video link only.
  • Submit your mall’s logo(s).


Panel of Judges
Judging will be carried out online by a Panel of Judges, comprising reputable industry or industry related practitioners. The decision of the Judges is final and no correspondence will be entertained.

Site Verification
If necessary and relevant, the panel of judges may decide to carry out a site verification, either physically or virtually for short listed entries, who will be informed accordingly in due course.

Judging Criteria
The total maximum score is 100 points. The entries will be scored based on the following criteria and your description for each area is subject to a maximum of 500 words):


1. Objectives and Strategies (maximum 15 points)

Provide information on what motivated you to undertake the project and what are the objectives to be achieved. Outline the strategies used to achieve these objectives.
  • provide strategic insights and facts
  • share the concept/idea addressing the event directly
  • state how the concept/idea is capable of achieving the objective
  • share the level of engagement to be achieved for the campaign
  • provide desired results to be measured, either quantitatively or qualitatively

2. Stakeholder engagement (maximum 25 points)

  • plans to show communication strategies to engage stakeholder groups
  • collaborations that drive positive and impactful change to the environment
  • documentation which highlight engagement and outcome with relevant external stakeholder groups (i.e., communities, NGOs, government, regulators) supporting your project

3. Action Plan (maximum 25 points)

This section measures what are the activities and plans used to achieve the strategies. It is important to state :
  • the list of engaging plans to meet each strategy and objective including the structured phased execution of the project
  • the high level of creativity, competency and professionalism

4. Results (maximum 25 points)

Results must be both quantitative and qualitative. The results and overall impact will reveal how well the project’s actions were measured, documented and reported. It will also reveal the degree of how it supported the project’s stated objectives.

You will need to highlight the following:
  • did the results relate to the original objectives?
  • list out the publicity results eg press write ups, online response etc. ?
  • did it meet the objective of the shopping mall owner/operator ?
  • the long term impact showing the positive impacts generated by implementing the project and/or reducing negative impacts to the environment
  • include your long term plans

5. Budget (maximum 10 points)

Cost effectiveness is how the allocated budget was spent in achieving the targeted objectives. You need to address and indicate :
  • the use of the budget to achieve the results
  • the cost-effectiveness
  • did it meet the objectives of the project ?


1. Objectives and Strategies (maximum 15 points)

Provide information on what motivated you to undertake the project and what are the objectives to be achieved. Outline the strategies used to achieve these objectives.
  • provide strategic insights and facts
  • share the concept/idea addressing the event directly
  • state how the concept/idea is capable of achieving the objective
  • share the level of engagement to be achieved for the campaign
  • provide desired results to be measured, either quantitatively or qualitatively

2. Stakeholder engagement (maximum 25 points)

  • plans to show communication strategies to engage stakeholder groups
  • collaborations that drive positive and impactful change to the environment
  • documentation which highlight engagement and outcome with relevant external stakeholder groups (i.e., communities, NGOs, government, regulators) supporting your project

3. Action Plan (maximum 25 points)

This section measures what are the activities and plans used to achieve the strategies. It is important to state :
  • the list of engaging plans to meet each strategy and objective including the structured phased execution of the project
  • the high level of creativity, competency and professionalism

4. Results (maximum 25 points)

Results must be both quantitative and qualitative. The results and overall impact will reveal how well the project’s actions were measured, documented and reported. It will also reveal the degree of how it supported the project’s stated objectives.

You will need to highlight the following:
  • did the results relate to the original objectives?
  • list out the publicity results eg press write ups, online response etc. ?
  • did it meet the objective of the shopping mall owner/operator ?
  • the long term impact showing the positive impacts generated by implementing the project and/or reducing negative impacts to the environment
  • include your long term plans and positive impacts generated by implementing the project
  • how did the project affect other aspects of the shopping mall business

5. Budget (maximum 10 points)

Cost effectiveness is how the allocated budget was spent in achieving the targeted objectives. You need to address and indicate :
  • the use of the budget to achieve the results
  • the cost-effectiveness
  • did it meet the objectives of the project ?


1. Management Leadership and Effectiveness (maximum 30 points):

  • The respective roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors/Building Owners/Building Operators in driving sustainability within the mall’s organization
  • Sustainability governance will include establishing, communicating and reviewing the mall organisation’s sustainability performance in strategies, priorities and targets
  • Increasing literacy and thought leadership over sustainability issues relevant to the mall’s business

2. Audit and Risk Management (maximum 20 points):

  • Describe adopted internal and external audit practices and roles, including the effectiveness of the process
  • Describe risk (including sustainability-related risks) management and governance, frameworks and systems, including any risk management committees

3. Integrity in Corporate Reporting (maximum 50 points):

  • Details on the mall’s origin, purpose, key objectives, service/offerings and how it is aligned to sustainability
  • Include a Chairperson’s report detailing highlights, challenges and linking past and current reports (if applicable)
  • Describe the conduct and content of General Meetings with owners/shareholders (if applicable)
  • Details on the mall’s stakeholders, stakeholder rights and stakeholder engagement practices including sustainability material matters