Entry Rules & Regulations


  • Only current corporate member malls of PPK Malaysia are eligible to register entries for the Awards.
  • The marketing programme can be based on experiential festival celebrations, themed events, sales promotions, public relations, advertising, new and social media, community or a combination of the above.
  • Marketing programmes may be done in collaboration with third parties but the mall must be the co-organiser and/or fund the programme
  • Malls can submit several entries but each entry must be completed on a separate form.
  • Judging will be based on your marketing programme implemented between 1 August 2023 to 15 July 2024 otherwise your entry will be disqualified.
  • All entries must be submitted at the said link for judging by the closing date of 12 midnight on 22 July 2024.


  • You are required to provide an executive summary of the entry description, subject to a maximum of 100 words which will be used as commentary for all finalists during the Awards Ceremony.
  • For each marketing entry, you will need to outline the following :
    • Objectives & Strategies (maximum of 500 words)
    • Creativity (maximum of 500 words)
    • Action Plan (maximum of 500 words)
    • Results (maximum of 500 words)
    • Budget
  • Use bullet points for each area for ease of reading.
  • All submission materials to support the entry must be of high quality and remain the property of the organisers.
  • Images and videos to support your entry are preferred to be high resolution with image file formats :  PNg and JPEG ( light or no compression ) with minimum size of 150 DPI.
  • For each of the judging criteria as follows, participants are permitted to submit up to a maximum of 5 nos. photos of maximum 5MB each. (Please avoid submitting photos in a collage format).
  • Submit 1 video of minimum 1 minute duration and up to a maximum of 2 videos but these should be provided via a video link only.
  • Submit your mall’s logo(s).


Panel of Judges
Judging will be carried out online by a Panel of Judges, comprising reputable industry or industry related practitioners. The decision of the Judges is final and no correspondence will be entertained.

Judging Criteria
The total maximum score is 100 points. The entries will be scored based on the following criteria:

1. Objectives and Strategies (maximum 15 points)

Provide information on what inspired the creation of the marketing campaign and what are the objectives to be achieved. Outline the strategies used to achieve the objectives.
  • provide strategic insights and facts
  • share the concept/idea addressing the event directly
  • state how the concept/idea is capable of achieving the objective
  • share the level of engagement to be achieved for the campaign
  • provide desired results to be measured, either quantitatively or qualitatively

2. Creativity (maximum 25 points)

Creativity is about developing an original concept or an innovative approach to a programme. Share information on the following:
  • Unique design, concept/idea or the 'Wow' factor of the campaign
  • The creative and engagement level with the target audience
  • the attention-getting/ground breaking or the 'Talk of the Town' element
  • what was the opportunity used to maximize results
  • the media used to achieve the action plan and communicate to target audience.
  • the obstacles, difficulties or limitations faced

3. Action Plan (maximum 25 points)

This section measures what are the activities and plans used to achieve the strategies. It is important to state :
  • The list of engaging plans to meet each strategy and objective
  • The high level of creativity, competency and professionalism

4. Results (maximum 20 points)

Results must be both quantitative and qualitative. The results and overall impact will reveal how well the programme's actions were measured, documented and reported. It will also reveal the degree of how it supported the programme's stated objectives.

You will need to highlight the following:
  • Did the results relate to the original objectives?
  • List out the publicity results eg press write ups, online response etc. ?
  • How was the footfall impacted ie did traffic count increase ?
  • How were the retailers and business operators impacted ie did sales increase?
  • Did it meet the objective of the shopping mall owner ?
  • Was the entry outstanding and other shopping malls may even reproduce it ?

5. Budget and Cost Effectiveness (maximum 15 points)

Cost effectiveness is how the marketing budget was spent in achieving the targeted objectives. You need to address and indicate :
  • The use of the budget to achieve the results
  • The cost-effectiveness
  • Did it meet the business objectives and/or market positioning of the mall ?
  • Did the efforts generate the desired incremental sales for the retailers ?